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Can I change or cancel my order after it's placed?

You may be able to make changes or cancel your order, depending on its status. Please contact us at immediately. However, we can't guarantee that we'll have enough time to make changes or cancel your order, as we are shipping the products to our customers' as soon as possible.

We recommend carefully reviewing your order, including the design, size, and shipping details, before completing the purchase to ensure accuracy.

How can I track my order?

You will receive an email with a tracking number as soon as your order leaves our studio. Don't forget to peek in your spam folder, just in case our email decides to play hide and seek!

Copy the tracking number provided in the shipping confirmation email and paste it into the tracking tool on the chosen website (,,

If you know the carrier handling your shipment (e.g., USPS, UPS, LaPoste, DHL), you can also visit their official website directly. Locate the "Track Order" or "Track Shipment" section, enter the tracking number, and get detailed information about your order's journey.

How do I buy a gift card?

In order to purchase a gift card, add the gift card to your cart, and then place your order. The gift card will then be sent as a digital file to the email you provide at checkout.

I didn't receive an order confirmation.

If you submitted an order with us, but didn't receive an order confirmation, peek in your spam folder, just in case our email decides to play hide and seek!

It's also possible that your email address was entered incorrectly. Get in touch with us at to see if we have received an order in your name. We're happy to fix the email address on file and send you the order confirmation.

In other cases, the order may not have gone through, so just get in touch before placing a new order to avoid a duplicate order.

How do I know if my order went through?

We'll send over an order confirmation to the email you provided during checkout. If you haven't received it within a minute after placing your order, something might be up with the transaction. No worries – give us a shout, and we'll work our magic to sort it out!

How do I care for my prints?

We recommend framing your print to protect it from dust, moisture, and sunlight. Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away any dust or fingerprints, and avoid touching the surface of the print with your fingers.

Keep prints away from direct sunlight and harsh artificial light to avoid fading.

Do your prints come framed?

Our prints are typically sold unframed to provide flexibility and customization options for our customers. This allows you to choose a frame that best suits your style and space.